Annual Parking Report 2018 to 2019
Financial information
Income from on-street parking charges and on and off-street penalty charge notices must be used to meet the cost of the provision and maintenance by the local authority of on and off-street parking accommodation in their area under the Traffic Management Act 2004.
In line with best practice, the Council has operated the parking service including income from off-street charging car parks in Stockton Town Centre on a self financing basis with a slight operating surplus to contribute to the cost of parking improvements and support for non-commercial bus services. The figures below show the income and expenditure to the Parking account for 2018 to 2019.
Category | Sum of Amount |
PCN Income | -£102,920 |
Off-Street Parking | -£276,459 |
On-Street Charges | -£221,405 |
Blue Badge | -£51,975 |
Staff Permit Scheme | -£111,529 |
Other Fees & Charges | -£2,500 |
General Fund Recharges | -£336 |
Income Sum = -£767,124
Category | Sum of Amount |
Employees | £110,304 |
Premises | £111,313 |
Transport | £5,167 |
Supplies & Services | £122,207 |
Other Payments | £391 |
Blue Badge | £22,758 |
Repairs & Maintenance | £50,000 |
Bus Lane Enforcement | £26 |
Expenditure Sum = £422,166
Grand Total Income and Expenditure = -£344,958
Use of surpluses
The net surplus in the parking account in 2018 to 2019 was £344,958 and contributes towards
Repairs and maintenance in Yarm.
Internal upgrades on the machines.
Energy Reduction Programme - Replacing car parking street lights with LED's.