Healthy Streets
Healthy Streets is a public health funded project which aims to improve opportunities for people to walk, cycle, and spend time in safe and attractive environments.

This all works towards improving the mental and physical wellbeing of residents, reducing health inequalities through physical and social changes to the streets and spaces in the neighbourhoods. The project follows the national Healthy Streets approach.
This is currently a pilot project, focusing on two wards in Stockton: Newtown and Hardwick. Community engagement sessions identified some interventions to carry out in each of the pilot areas.
Newtown handyman service
Residents made it clear that they want to feel safe on their streets and in their homes. The Council appointed a handyperson to carry out home improvements in the pilot area to help residents feel safer and more secure in their homes.
A range of security measures were installed to individual dwellings including window alarms, door chains, ultimate property marking kits, 24-hour timers, door handle alarms and locking letter box plate restrictors.
Wrensfield Basin
The green space at Wrensfield Basin was identified as an under used resource for the community. Work to clear the area started in December for two weeks including litter picking, vegetation cutting, and new signage
Love Exploring
The Love Exploring app is now available with games and trails available in Hardwick Green and Wrensfield Basin.
Community Centre Murals
Murals have been painted at Newtown Resource Centre and Hardwick Community Centre to improve the sense of identity and pride in the area. The murals were designed by the local youth groups and completed by local artists Harriet Mee and Hazel Oakes.
Bike MOT Sessions
The Council is working with Sustrans to engage youth groups in cycling, recently through a "Dr.Bike" bike MOT session at Hardwick Community centre, and "smoothie bike" sessions.
Further projects are planned and will be listed here as they progress.